1D B4 2012 !

>> Friday, December 30, 2011

Shout! My head is shouting like mad here.... It's only a day before hitting the New Year 2012! So many things to do, so many things to settle. It's actually just another 'next day' right.... but it felt like we are entering a whole new dimension and we have to settle everything that is not finished because bringing 'them' into 2012 is a no,no! 

But I think I will still need to bring some of 2011s to my 2012. Anyway, something pissed me off today... my almost whole day been wasting time doing research on it. It's so frustrating! Last minute plan, last minute travel. Last minute! When you plan to book a place, automatically you must check the location, see the review, how convenient the place is to public transportation and other convenient place....Haizz.. and you don't just look at one site for reviews especially if the deal is too good to be grabbed. I am not trying to say I am good here, but this is what you should do when taking a bargain deal. There are still many things that are not done yet, but I just zipped la.. Cutting styrofoam makes me happier!

New Year Resolution : Let's not be complicated with too many in the list.

  • Be Happy
  • Be Healthy
  • Be Grateful
  • I should think less from now on!
  • I should care for myself more perhaps? 
  • Be stingy?
So, what's yours? Whatever your resolutions are, I hope you all will have a great and fabulous year   ahead!

Remember to Smile! :)

"Keep a smile on your face and let your personality be your autograph."


Plans to invest RM10mil to introduce 3-in-1 concept at Cosway shops in M'sia

>> Wednesday, December 28, 2011

This is a re-share news article from TheStar. Click the above link to read it or you can just read below :

TOKYO: Cosway Corporation Ltd plans to introduce a 3-in-1 concept at Cosway shops throughout Malaysia beginning next month with an investment of RM10 million.
Chairman and chief executive officer Al Chuah said the 3-in-1 (organic, pharmacy and Cosway products) concept would boost next year's revenue to RM2 billion compared with RM1.7 billion expected this year.
"The 3-in-1 concept is the first in the world and it is not entirely a multi-level-marketing system but will offer a retail shop concept.
"We will introduce the concept not only in Malaysia but in other countries where we operate currently.
"We decided to introduce the pharmacy-concept as it will attract a lot of customers to our shops compared with those who only walk into our shops because they know the brand," he told reporters after the launch of the 3-in-1 Cosway shop here by Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri.
The minister said the first concept store would not only sell pharmaceutical and organic products but also other Cosway products. Of the 2,000 products sold in the shop, more than 400 products, are made in Malaysia.
"This is one way to export our products to Japan. With Cosway, owned by Malaysians, we can actually bring in more Malaysian products into Japan," said Ismail Sabri. Meanwhile, Al Chuah said Cosway planned to expand their network in Japan to about 100 outlets next year with an investment of between RM30 million and RM50 million.
"We also plan to penetrate Mexico, Columbia, Russia, China and Turkey next year and would invest RM20 million in each of these markets.
Berjaya Corp Bhd (BCorp) chairman Tan Sri Vincent Tan said he was confident the concept would be a success and compete internationally.
He said Cosway planned to export more Malaysian-made quality products which met the criteria of Japanese - Bernama
So is this another good news for the coming new year? What say you? I think this is a big opportunity for those interested with Cosway products. Thumbs up!

RM50 Cash Voucher For Hair Services @RM15! @ TOOOD Hair Studio

>> Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Interesting hair deal and tempting enough to pull me into the shop. Now, let's analyze.. This deal is offering RM15 for a RM50 worth voucher. 

Important terms and highlights :

  •     Reservation is required
  •     Unlimited redemption per person
  •     Multiple coupons per bill allowed, but limited to 10 Coupons per pax per bill
  •     This coupon does not include Director Cut Services
  •     Not valid from 23rd - 29th Jan 2012 (CNY 2012 Week)
  •     Coupon valid from 29th Dec 2011 - 29th March 2012
  •     Available for ALL hair types and lengths
  •     FREE Professional Image Hair Style Up consultation services
  •     Using L'OREAL range of products
  •     FREE Limited Edition Towel for first 100 successful redemption customers

They have their price list for the services provided as well in the deal page.

I was thinking either highlight or perm if I take this deal. The price will be around RM300-400 and I need to buy 6 or 8 vouchers?? Hmmm... then the price I should pay is RM90 (for a RM300 service)... Looks good if you see it now... Hopefully the service and outcome are good.

Anymore hair deals??!!

The Company:
TOOOD Hair Studio
52-0, Platinum Walk,
Jalan Langkawi,
No.2, Setapak,
53300 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-4149 9244 (For Reservation)

Business Hours:
Open Daily: 11am - 9pm

TOOOD Hair Studio
No.G-42, Jalan Prima SG 2,
Prima Sri Gombak,
68100 Batu Caves, Selangor.
Tel: 03-6185 0825 (For Reservation)

Business Hours:
Open Daily: 11am - 9pm

Car Scam

>> Monday, December 19, 2011

Close encounter with a menacing scammer

All ladies should read this article. I am sure this is not the first time it happened. It happens everyday for real but some might not know yet and fall into the trap. The lady in the news was lucky I would say... but we might not know what other worst case can happen, right. Sometimes, we are lucky and some other day we might just catch the bad luck. 

Not just this scam method that we should be aware of. I hope that everyone is aware of car theft by using something (nails, eggs or etc) to attack your car and that situation will make you stop and go out to check your car. The next thing you know.... kaboom! bad people take advantage...

Another thing is about mechanics that give ridiculous price. Just ignore the shop and move to other shop if you are uncomfortable with the price and you don't feel right about it. No use proceeding with it. Mechanics will always say your is in bad condition and that you need to change this and that, give you new original stock, bla bla bla.... Don't trust them! Find or consult your friend that has experience with car service matter or accessories. 

Hello, Goodbye

>> Monday, December 12, 2011

source : quotediary.me

End of the year is coming...
Christmas is just around the corner,
Weekends were great,
Tho' tight of budget,
My eyes are in pain looking at the mad sales!
They are in Incheon now,
I am in 'Perth' (supposed)
Slap back to reality
Today is Holiday
but not for me.


'Bitter Sweet Hot Sour' Memories

>> Wednesday, December 7, 2011

image source : menlobrass

03 12 11

Compliment on your wedding! Let love never leaves your house and happiness stays with you forever!

Days of reunion, with the unpredictables, comfort, sorrow, friendship, good and bad lessons, happiness, disappointment, tired, fun, enjoy, singing, and so on...

Happy Mon-oliday!

>> Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Holiday to all of you and Happy Working to those who will work today. Don't be sad and grumpy, smile and smile again. :)

How's your weekend? My weekend is ..... I don't know how to describe. Half-peaceful plus tired.

Sharing this from Inspiration is Essential

Things we can learn from a dog (you change it to your favourite pet if you want) :
  • Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joy ride
  • Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstacy  
  • When loved ones come home, always run to greet them
  • When it's in your best interest, always practice obedience
  • Let other know when they've invaded your territory
  • Take naps and always strectch before rising
  • Run, romp and play daily
  • Eat with gusto and enthusiasm
  • Be loyal
  • Never pretend to be something you're not
  • If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it
  • When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently
  • Delight in the simple joy of a long walk
  • Thrive on attention and let people touch you
  • Avoid biting when a simple growl will do
  • On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree
  • When you are happy, dance around and wag your entire body
  • No matter how often you are criticized, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout. Run right back and make friends.
I like no. 12 and the two last one. When someone is having a bad day, you don't go question them. Just keep quite or in a rude way, shut up...hehe. I hate it when there are some people who like to blame themselves for giving you a bad day like as if they know that they are the one who contributed it. Urghh (suka act pandai or what).

 A quick updates:
  • I did facial at Michelle Lazar! (used the Groupon deal, at last)
  • Tried Michelle Lazar facial products. Should I review on this? Will try to ya.
  • Did upper lip threading for the first time...Ouch! I'm late I know. (Cheap only RM3 @ Bangsar, eyebrow will be RM5)
  • Pinkish pinkosh - busy looking at wedding stuffs for my sis.
  • Still looking till now and got distracted with many pretty cute sites
  • Last week - claypot lou shu fun, yin yong kai lan, chatime, choc banana cake, dim sums, kfc egg tart, chicken rice, mamak, sate kajang, etc.....whoaa
Have a nice day ahead!

Floods drive computer prices up

>> Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Floods drive computer prices up

Yeap, read it up. That's what the seller informed me last week when I was at digital mall that all HDD price will increase.... and on another note, tyre price hiked up as well!

Stress is the trash of modern life - we all generate it but if you don't dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life ~ Danzae Pace

Aah, trying to say No, I'm not stressed...

Miss Universe Malaysia 2012 Winner

>> Friday, November 11, 2011

Miss Universe Malaysia 2012 Grand Finale went live yesterday at Astro Hitz ch705

and the winner of Miss Universe Malaysia 2012 is..... Kimberley!


Name: Kimberley
Age: 18
From: Pulau Pinang
Height: 175cm
Occupation: Part time model/ Student Majoring in Economics and Business
Hobbies: Athletics, basketball, volleyball, tennis, sports

First Runner-up

Second Runner-up
Lu Xanne

Source of pics : lifestyle.malaysia.msn

Gabriella won the SMS vote award and I think she's one of the favourites that night. My fav would be Lu Xanne because the way she answer the question at the final stage was superb! She gave brilliant answer in a calm manner compared with the others and her points were so clear showing full confidence. When I heard her answers, I was awed with it. Gabriella on the other hand, asked the judge  to repeat the question and you can see her facial expression that she's trying hard to think (or listen) to what the judge has to say. For Kimberley, I can't recall anything about her actually...hehe... I thought Gabriella will win after they announced Lu Xanne, the second runner-up. All of them surely did the best they can. So, congrats to the winner -Kimberley 'yeah-hey woo-hoo' Miss Universe Malaysia for 2012!

'I need more to my hair' deals!

>> Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hi peeps! 

How's your day! Hope it's a great one. Let's catch up with new deals for hair-do. Aaah....been waiting and wanting to chop my hair, treat it, colour it.. and there are few deals just came out. Not sure which one is the best to choose... Let's see

From everyday deals - 
  • must make apointment (12 - 6pm)
  • valid everyday (include public hols) except Wednesdays
  • From 17 Nov 2011 - 17 Feb 2012
  • Using schwarzkopf
What you'll get?
  • Hair Rebonding/Colouring/Highlight/Japanese Perm
  • Scalp Treatment
  • Hair Wash 
  • Blow
  • ** Max hair length - 20 inch (50.8cm)
M9 Hair Saloon 
46-2, Jalan PJU 5/10,
Dataran Sunway,
47810 Kota Damansara,

The same deal from ilovediscounts.my
  • Valid till 31 March 2012
From this website deal, it was stated in the comment section that for addition of hair cut, RM30-50 will be charged.

From Milkadeal
  • wash, cut, blow and rebonding for any hair length
  • uses schwarzkopf
  • 17 Nov 2011 - 17 Jan 2012
  • estimation duration of service : 3hours
  • redemption hours: Tues - Sunday (10.30am-8.30pm)
  • must make appointment
9 Studio Hair Salon
16-1 (Ground Floor), Jalan USJ 9/5R, UEP, Subang Jaya, Selangor

Hmm.... no hair cut included. I thought I saw the everyday deal with hair-cut included this morning... Probably typo from the deal. If you guys interested, don't forget to check out the comments section. 

Anymore hair deals?

Language Confusion

>> Saturday, November 5, 2011

What is this keep switching the language for the subjects? It just sounded like students can't cope up in English and that they must go with BM. In another meaning, the percentage of students score in examination is decreasing? Well, eventually after Form 5 they will still need to deal with English language in college/university right? That is why a lot of Uni students can't understand a thing because they've used to BM from primary one to form five, not to mention (some maybe) neglecting the English subject. Indecisive oh... aah well, bummer!
  • Year One this year started learning in BM 

"Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, who made the announcement yesterday, said Year One pupils this year were already learning the two subjects in Bahasa Malaysia."

source : thestar

  • Students who have started learning Science and Mathematics in English will continue to do so until they complete their studies in Form Five.
  • Muhyiddin said schools would have the option to teach Science and Mathematics fully in English, Bahasa Malaysia, or bilingually.
  • “Students will continue with whatever system they have in place now, be it in English, Bahasa Malaysia or both languages.”
  • The two subjects will be fully taught again in Bahasa Malaysia starting 2016 for primary schools and 2021 for secondary schools.
  • “They can even answer one question in English and another in Bahasa Malaysia in the same examination paper,” he added.

source: thestar

Today is Thursay, Tomorrow is Friday

>> Thursday, October 27, 2011

Title inspired by Rebecca Black. Hehe...


Happy Deepavali and Happy Holiday Peeps! I know it was yesterday...hehe. It's been a week already and that is damn fast!

Had a week of red velvet cupcakes, carrot cupcakes, pasta, fish and chip, famous amos, salad, chicken curry, peter vella and omgee-etc. Sigh, food does make your life into 'something' huh.

Anyway, just want to wish you all a happy weekend since tomorrow is Friday, Friday, it's gotta be Friday!! I'll find somethin interesting to post. Till then! :)

Sometimes I feel like I want to shout out to the max n slam the whole thing - JaQt (lol)

>> Thursday, October 20, 2011

“It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.”
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

What type of deal sells fast?

>> Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What's the best and most popular deal out of all deals? The makan-makan food deal! Agree or not? I saw few deals with the most buyers. Check below... Those great bargains are really a good deal (well, some, if not all ...right?)

This deal is for those staying nearby Jusco Cheras Selatan. It's open 11am-11pm. So, plan your time properly because the area is always jam-packed during peak hours. The best part is that you only pay RM4.90 to get 1 regular pizza (5 choices: Pizza- Margherita, Tunno, Hawaiian, Diavola and Salmone), 1 ice lemon tea and 1 ice cream. Nyumm!! (800+ bought) <-- that was last night, today it's sold out with 1003 buyers. 

This is for the Jalan 19/1 PJ peeps! You'll get a panini sandwich (triple chicken or roast beef), 1 fresh fruit juice (apple, carrot, cucumber etc) and mushroom soup or fresh garden salad. A perfect budget meal for only RM6.90. Only not valid on PH and Sundays. (326 bought)

60% off Cash Voucher worth RM10 for (Lunch/Dinner) in Famous Taiwanese Steamboat chain @ Tain Siang Hui Wei
This is back by popular demand with 2163 ppl bought as for now and there's 2 hours to go before the deal ends. This is RM4 (value RM10). Multiple coupons per bill allowed but you have to choose lunch or dinner once bought, no changes can be made and 10% service charge excluded. Only usable at Tain Siang Hui Wei Klang (can redeem on weekdays, weekends and public holidays). Coupon valid from 24th Oct - 10th Dec 2011; that is less than 2 months.

Another all-you-can-eat steamboat deal at Shabuland, Kepong has sold out with 809 buyers. There are more you should check the deal everyday, might not know when you'll get a good one! :)

Cheers!! Omnomnom!

Pearls before Swine - Stephan Pastis

>> Monday, October 17, 2011

Any of you managed to buy this book during the book fair? I found these from the net.

Pearls Before Swine (Wed & Thurs, May 11 and 12,2011)

 Pearls Before Swine (Tuesday, May 20,2011)

Happy Entering Monday Peeps!

Get Pro At Applying Natural Makeup Deal!

>> Friday, October 14, 2011

Learn From The Pro! RM19.90 Instead Of RM158 for Make-Up Workshop (3 Hours) @ My Make Up & Academy - Klang Valley

Natural makeup with neutral colours that will enhance your features while you'd still look like you.

Each workshop will take 3 hours and will be formed by 10 - 20 students. Students will be using Shu Uemura products in the workshop. From this make-up workshop, you will be taught about:

  • Natural makeup
  • Face highlighting
  • Face, nose and eyes 3D shaping
  • Application of lip liner and lipstick
  • Eye-brow trimming
  • Eye-brow matching and enhancing
  • Application of eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara
  • Eye shape enhancing
  • Selection and application of foundation and powder in accordance to one's skin tone
  • Techniques on makeup brushes

Coupon valid from 20th Oct, 2011 - 24th Jan, 2012

The Company
My Make Up & Academy
(Near Digital Mall Seksyen 14 and Jaya33)
15-2, Jalan 14/22,
Section 14,
46100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

Tel: 012 - 904 2232 (for class reservation)

Class Schedules:
Every Friday, Saturday & Sunday
10am - 1pm
3pm - 6pm
*Schedules are subject to changes when necessary

What do you think about this deal? I'm thinking of getting it..RM19.90 to get hands-on makeup techniques. Not bad right? They have worked with include Gary Chao Ge, Hannah Tan, Rynn Lim, Villiam San, Jojo Struys and other projects. 

Wha' shu' I do wha shu I do wha shu I doo hooo~~

[47% Off] Zaggora Weight Loss HOTPANTS™ - Groupsmore Deal

>> Thursday, October 13, 2011

I can't help but to share this deal with you all. Hehe.. I've been watching the deal since the first day it started and it was only 100+ people bought. Today is the last day of the deal and d'u know how many people have bought it?? 1129 as of now 9.55am. Check out previous deal from Groupon US, it was sold out to over 7100 buyers with $26 ($71.86 value) and in Groupon UK - 8091 bought. It was selling for one (£19) two (£38) or three (£57) Pairs (58% Off). Mad!

Highlights of Zaggora hotpants

  • Weight Loss HOTPANTS™ available in S, M, L and XL 
  • Designed to help drop two dress sizes in two weeks 
  • Made with Celu-Lite™ technology 
  • Can be worn alone or under clothes anytime, including when asleep
Tempting or not? Go check out and see how 'hot' is the Zaggora hotpants

Should I get it?

Big Bad Wolf Biggest Book Sale! 7-16 Oct 2011

>> Sunday, October 9, 2011

The biggest book sale in the world is about to begin! Prepare for the invasion of 1.5 million books at 75% - 95% discount on all books, landing at MAEPS Serdang, October 7-16.

It's the biggest, cheapest Big Bad Wolf sale yet, and everyone is invited to join the Invasion!

Date: 7 - 16 Oct 2011
Time: 10am - 9pm
Venue: Hall A, MAEPS (Malaysia Agro Exposition Park) Serdang

Book-lover, avid reader, you gotta get down there if you haven't! I went there yesterday, yupe, the first day of the sale for public (I heard there's a pre-launch a day before, Big Bad Wolf Launch + OCBC Titanium Shopping Frenzy). I reached there around 10am~ and the nearest parking space was almost full. I jumped into the shuttle train/bus? and went to Hall A. Upon entering the hall, you can see lots of BOOKS!!! From fiction, romance, computers, photography, hobbies and craft, humour, science, home deco, food and drinks, self-development, travels, children books and many more. I didn't plan to buy more than 3 books actually...but...well well...when you're in there it's like there's a 'thing' that makes you forget everything and that's when my hand started to grab and put 'em the box (There are boxes provided; small to big sizes- to put your books in). It's the 'BBW magic spell' ...haha.. what an excuse!

Last year, this event was at South City Plaza, Seri Kembangan. Anyway, enjoy the few snaps I got from my phone below:

MAEPS Pintu 1 Entrance, the spacious parking space, and the still neatly arranged books 

Look out for cookie monster... winnie the pooh and meet the Toy Story gang!

For age 1+, jigsaw puzzles, power puff girls! 

 This cute I'm a Princess - Every girl can be a Princess kit is for my niece... it's so cute that I wanted to buy it but I didn't because my box was full with my stuffs. LoL! So, a photo of it would be the 'gift'.

Art & Handcraft - Scrapbooking, Beading books! 

...and the inside pages (I know what you're thinking) 

and these are my book purchases of 2011!

All the books price range are from RM8 onwards, there were small books from RM3 - RM5. The most expensive that I took was RM12. Total all together was 200+ (aishh...). Bomb sales and wallet! My friends said that the last day of the sale, they'll cut down the price...you can try your luck :)

Now I need more shelves. 


Thursday Red Velvet

>> Thursday, October 6, 2011

It's Thursday babes! Just a random pic to enjoy, omnomnom...it's the red velvet cake from O'Gourmet bakery, Bangsar Shopping Centre. Bought this for sis' bday last month and it's RM68 I think but taste 'Oooooh so Nice!' You cake lovers should get this :) In another note, wishing Good Luck to my sis who is sitting PMR nOww!! Don't think she's reading this but you better do well there! I'm sure that you will do your best! xoxo ❤

By Thursday morning, we'd gotten over the worst of it.
William Scranton

The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not. - Mark Twain

Have a Great Day Ahead! :D

Saturday Morning Sunshine Rain

>> Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ok I'm weak at creating title; just like what my supervisor asked me to do last week. Titles! I managed to give few though in the very nick of time. Sigh~ So many things to do, I just wish to be alone so that I can focus on myself now (sipping milk~). I woke up early today and it must be a miracle for me to wake this early on Saturday and not on weekdays. Haha! I don't know, I think my brain cells are sending molecules of neurotransmitter to the receptors telling me that 'you have two days of free time not committed to work so use it up to the max'. How's your Saturday like? I do enjoy going out with friends but I think that will always be the no. 2 option in my list. I prefer to be at home. Sounds like a no-life nerdie kan? Naah, no effect on me and sometimes I do wonder, what if I am a nerdy... What will my life be like? Good, better, peaceful? or the other way round? Life is unpredictable can't dream much about it.

Last night, I received a message. When I read it, first thing came to my mind was...what on earth is this girl talking? and why on earth that I still am a friend to her? She can say whatever she thought that is right but is definitely wrong (by the amount of references in the www) yet she still thinks she's right. I know there are alot people like this out there. I do not know whether it is good to have that attitude or not because I just don't have it. I always analyze things on both side and do research on both side before making an assumption and also before telling people that the way they do might be incorrect. Some people can blindly make facts and accusations when they never did any readings about that. Give opinion and say I think it maybe good if ..... instead of this is wrong, this is not suitable, this thing is not for this type of occasion la. HellO??? How much do you know than me and please don't ask for my help if you are that calculative ok. I'm disappointed at myself for letting myself go soft-hearted and help to do the task and at the end my effort is thrown into 'garbage'. That is why I always learn to stand up for myself eventho' slow; it's a process. I always tell those around me to always stand for yourself that is why I can be very mad when the person has the same attitude with me; soft-hearted.

Enough of the ramblings and remember don't let people step on you. For those who are like me, eventhough it might take some time for us to be strong and firm but if we continuously learn and make effort to push ourselves - we can make it!

I wish to be alone with plenty of time~~ Aargh! 

Currently into Selena Gomez's "..and I keep hitting re-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat.."  from 'love you like a love song' song. This year is definitely her year...with her hit song 'who says'. I like her facial features and I bet we'll be seeing more of her in the future in spite of her and bieber the belieber. LoL.

Glass of milk is empty now and I shall put a dot on my crapping session. Gotta get ready for a quick outing and lunch. 

Happy Weekend Peeps! 

I've always been interested in people, but I've never liked them. 
~Henry James 

>> Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Be not afraid of going slowly; be afraid only of standing still. ~Chinese Proverb

NEW Idealist Even Skintone Illuminator - Free Sample

>> Sunday, September 25, 2011

Experience New Idealist Even Skintone Illuminator at Jusco Mid Valley, East Entrance Lobby, Sept 19 - 25th. Get your complimentary skin consultation and take home a 3-piece skincare regime sample just for your skin. Call 03 2284 0625 to make your appointment or simply walk in.

Fan of Estee Lauder, have you tried the new Idealist Illuminator? Go grab the sample fast! I went to Midvalley yesterday to get mine, but according to one of the promoters 'get your complimentary skin consultation and take home a 3-piece skincare regine sample' <<--- the promoter said you only get that when you purchase any estee lauder product. Hmm... anyhow, the first promoter that was assigned to me was very nice and funny. She gave me a pair of illuminator samples and also Estee Lauder Hydrationist Maximum Moisture Creme samples. She told me all the product info and how to use it eventhough I showed no interest of buying and she didn't pushed me to buy. I like that kind of attitude and it makes me want to look for her again for my future purchase. The manager/supervisor in charge yesterday was nice also although she has this strict look on her. Hehe.. She let me tried their Idealist Cooling Eye Illuminator. It reduces the look of dark circle and puffiness. The key of this product is the specially contoured ceramic-tip applicator that helps reduce the look of dark circles, puffiness, shadows, fine lines. Now now... that really attracted me to buy... sob sob. I'm easily persuaded you see. I shall review about the products later on. So, ladies today is the last day for skin consultation at MidValley Jusco. Oops, I forgot to tell that I did my skin consultation too and my skin collagen is at good level :) ....I don't want to grow old :(

Idealist Even Skintone Illuminator Samples

....and you must have thought that I didn't purchase anything. Almost true..Guess what, my sis almost nodded her head to purchase it and my friend already gave a "Yes I want" signal. My role there was to consult that 2 fellas; 1: Don't buy first 2: Buy the Pore Minimizing Range and get more samples for other range to try. I'll probably get this next month. Eee....


How to Redeem your Groupon Deal - PenDrive

>> Monday, September 19, 2011

Referring to the pendrive deal by Groupon.my; also answering Munkee...

  • Go to http://bit.ly/pendrivegroupon and a googlespreadsheet form will come out
  • Fill in your voucher code (left) and security code (right) (yellow box below)
  • Enter you address and other details then submit
  • Due of the voucher is 28.09.11 (I just realised this, luckily I checked).
  • Delivery will start on 21.09.11 (Wednesday) 

  • Hope the postman will send my parcel and don't leave any notice....
  • Hope the info helps :)

Quick Update at this Wee Hour

  • Happy Belated MoonCake Festival & Malaysia Day!
  • Been preparing docs_presentation plus doing work
  • Exhausted & always finish work late :s
  • Tired eating
  • Sleeping disorder
  • Less water intake, aargh!
  • More shopping, also arrgh! (but I like...n hate it)
  • Friendship Disorder.. haha! Ey, seriously I think so leh
  • Over-spent!!
  • Sis' bday gift - bought a 2200W Philips Hair Dryer @ Best Denki for RM149 (discounted price but when I went to Tesco, the price there was RM149-np -.-" ) 
  • Itchy hand got me a Dior Addict nail polish
  • Bought a red velvet cake from O Gourmet, Bangsar and it's very delicious!!

Aaah...Zzzz!  Have a nice sleep! 

Limited Edition 12GB PenDrive Sliq Deal RM35

>> Sunday, September 11, 2011

Grab the deal from Groupon now!

I just bought the deal. Yippee! No need the hassle to go all the way to Lowyat Plaza and search for cheap pendrive (and yet the price there actually all the same). What's the deal about? It is the Limited Edition Black PenDrive Sliq 12GB USB ThumbDrive. Well, it's not the "limited edition black" that affect my purchasing decision. It is the 12GB storage space and free delivery. Good deal right? Also comes with 5-year hardware warranty. Oh and it's RM35 for one, but RM65 for two. So, you save RM2.50 per pendrive. 

More Info:

PenDrive Sliq specifications:
  • Storage size: 12GB
  • Dimensions: 58mm (L) x 20mm (W) x 7mm (D)
  • Compliant with USB specification version 2.0 and 1.1
  • Hot plug & play
  • No external power required
  • Durable solid-state data retention for at least 10 years
  • Shock resistance: 1000G (maximum)
  • Max read speed: 14MB / sec
  • Max write speed: 7MB / sec
  • 5-year warranty
source : groupon.my

Bead.ing Enthusiast

>> Sunday, September 4, 2011

I'm currently addicted to beading (bēdiNG).... but I have zero knowledge on it, so I went on to read and search for info.  I read many times but I still don't know where to start and what to buy. Also, the good brands are all quite expensive. My shopping place is beading.com.my; it's a good start from there for beginner purchaser. I bought a total of RM40, the items are - eyepin gunmetal-plated brass,economy chain nose pliers (jaw:smooth),nylon coated beading wire- clear- 7strand,clasp -lobster claw, crimp beads, Preciosa Czech Fire-Polished Glass, and round hole rocailes. I've no idea why I purchased eyepin as I won't be using it for my beading project..hmm.. The economy plier is very cheap but quality wise I think so-so, but still good for hands-on beginner. My crimping skill is terrible or is it because of the tool choice? and 4mm of crystal is very small.... (duh?!~~) Hehe... Bought 4mm because it's the cheapest :p Hopefully, I can make something out of these... Meanwhile, I'm planning to purchase more. 

Stay Tuned! :D

Revamp Your Locks @ Ridz Okumura Saloon & Boutique and do Hair Colouring (Any Length) + etc

>> Friday, September 2, 2011

I just saw this deal and I think it's really cheap for RM69!! But saloon is located only at Subang...  :(

  • This hair grooming package includes Hair Colouring (any hair length), hair treatment, scalp treatment, wash, blow, and manicure.
  • Whole duration : 2hours - 3hours
  • Using Loreal products, Serie, and 0.P.I

Steal the Deal!!

Revamp Your Locks @ Ridz Okumura Saloon & Boutique and do Hair Colouring (Any Length) + Hair Treatment + Scalp Treatment + Wash + Blow + Manicure For ONLY RM69! (excluding haircut).

Oh, Selamat Hari Raya~

>> Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Selamat Aidilfitri,
Kepada saudara serta saudari,
Setahun hanya sekali,
Merayakan hari yang mulia ini......
Di sana kelihatan,

bermacam kuih ketupat dan rendang,
Mintak bu kuih sepotong,
Saya mahu makan kerna perut kosong....

Wish you all Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Happy Holidays!!! weee~~

Ooh, I'm craving kuih makmur and lemang and rendang and....... hmm..

Janice Wei Lan - Morning

>> Monday, August 29, 2011

Janice - Morning

When I hear the birds start singing
I wanna see you
Hoo, hoo, do do do do do...
When I see the leaves start fallin
I wanna see you
The only thing I'll do
Don't you know
Is to rush and run to you

When I hear the clock start ticking
I start to miss you
Ooh.. The only thing I'll do
Is gonna dream of you

Wanna stay by by by your side
You are my everything
You are my only link
To the angel's wings
Talk about love love and
I can't stop thinking of you
Such a crazy thing
Like snow fallin' in spring

(You know every morning)
When I hear the birds start singing
I wanna see you
Ooh.. The only thing I'll do
Is to rush and run to you

When I hear the clock start ticking
I start to miss you
Ooh.. The only thing I'll do
Is gonna dream of you

I found my angel in my life
I cannot see why
I cannot see why
We can't be in love till we die

Wanna stay by by by your side
You are my everything
You are my only link
To the angel's wings
Talk about love love and
I can't stop thinking of you
Such a crazy thing
Like snow fallin' in spring

One day we'll spread our wings
You and me da, you and me da...
Spread our wings do..do...do....
Wannabe wannabe wanna
I wanna be,be your lover
I'll run to you...ooh...

Contribution and Sacrification

>> Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Years gone by and here I am still the same. I know, the same old me right. Just wish to tell you all that, I know and am aware of my non-participation/contribution to the family or anything that can be related to that. But, on the other hand, no one was ever concern of me too; when I fall apart and at dark moment. I do wish I can move forward and have better days ahead.... Sometimes, things can't change.

Someone who is happy on the outside and look charmingly attractive doesn't mean that he lives happily with a good financial status. When you are poor, you don't tell people you are penniless because you don't want to be looked down. I think these applies to everyone out there. Only rich people either trying to look 'poor' or just be it "I am rich" or poor people trying to 'look rich' or poor that is really poor until cannot do anything about it. Others are those type that have this principles; I will be me - WYSIWYG - What you see is what you get. Aaah, Life!


Estee Lauder Idealist New

>> Sunday, August 14, 2011

Refinish/Smooth - Estee Lauder Idealist Pore Minimzing Skin Refinisher
I must say this is the best product I've ever tried. Skin really felt smooth after application. However, it's very expensive for me. Hope one day can buy this. I really like the texture, the smell and the result on my skin. According to their website the benefits of Estee Lauder pore minimizing skin refinisher makes your pore 1/3 smaller and also refinishes skin texture. It's a face-acting serum that delivers dramatic skin resurfacing results. Skin looks virtually poreless, clear and even-toned. Feels soft and smooth. Agree with that.

So, what's NEW for this range of Estee Lauder? It's the Idealist Even Skintone Illuminator. It will dramatically reduce the look of uneven tone. According to Estee Lauder, in a clinical test, 62% of women showed a significant improvement in skintone in just 2 weeks. The product is oil-free.

Get a free sample for EL Idealist Even Skintone Illuminator, by clicking Like in their FB page and then fill in your details to redeem the free sample   .:)


I want the sample! Hoping and waiting. Haha..... Go get for yourself now.

Zuma Blitz Mastery Level 80

>> Saturday, August 13, 2011

Level Up - Level 80 Golden Frog! Become a Zuma Blitz Master!



 Sacrifice or not?

What is Mastery?

Mastery is for you die-hard Zuma Blitz fans. If you've hit the maximum level (currently level 80), maybe it's time you became a Zuma Blitz Master!

As a Master, you can show off just how awesome you really are with a snazzy new frame around your profile picture. All of your friends will see your Zuma Blitz prowess on their leaderboard. After all, what's the point of becoming a Zuma Blitz Master if you can't brag about it? 

But to get this greatness, you'll have to sacrifice all of the powers and bonuses you've earned up to this point!

Mastery is not for the weak though and is only available when you've reached the maximum level. You can earn even higher degrees of Mastery by completing all of the levels multiple times!
Below are the details of what you get to keep and what you'll be sacrificing...
You will keep the following...
  • Mojo
  • Idols
  • Current Score
  • Spirit Animals and their rankings
  • Powers and bonuses that you paid to unlock early (either with Idols or Facebook Credits), will still be available, including: 

    • Power slots
    • Powers
    • Treasure chest slots
    Remember, you'll be starting from level 1, so these won't be available immediately.
You will sacrifice the following...
  • Your XP will be reset to 0.
  • Your level will be reset to 1.
  • Any powers and bonuses that you earned by leveling up will be gone (e.g. Life). For a complete list of the types of unlocks, check out the What are the different level unlocks? section.
  • You won't be able to shake any trees to get fruit until Level 10.

Think carefully before you pursue Mastery. There's no turning back once you've committed!

source: facebook apps

DIY Baby Diaper Card

Congratulations Baby Card - DIY Card for New-Born, Baby Girl / Baby Boy. Aren't they adorable?

Dealing with Travel Desk Experience

Situation Summary : I efficiently web checked-in for my manager. Lil' did I knw that thr would be a last minute changes of his program and that he requested to change to an earlier flight. There goes my prob....

TD - Travel Desk staff
OA - 'orang atasan' (supervisor)
Me - me 

[I explained details and situation to TD then asked for advice on what options I have or what I can do...]
Me : Hi, I would like to know what can I do to change time of the flight if I did web check-in already?
TD : Oh, what ah? You check-in already? Like that we cannot change oh, because we cannot go into the system already.
Me : Ooh, okay. So, anything that I can do in order for me to change the time for this case?
TD : We cannot do anything, you must call AA and ask them to open the ticket then we can go into the system to make changes.
Me : Okay, so once I contact AA then I confirm back with you?
TD : Ya, once you ask them open then we can go into the system.

In between : While trying to figure how the heck to contact AA as I double-check from their website, you can only either livechat with AA or call the premium line 600 85 9999. I can't call AA at all but managed to livechat with them. Suddenly got a call from "orang atasan (OA)", queried alot and said that I should not call AA because it's not my job instead it is TD's. I explained and said I did asked TD but they insisted that I call. (So how la if TD don't want to call? What can I do? Doh....)

AskAirAsia said - The Premium Line provides live voice support to our guests. It is available to all Malaysian telecommunications network providers: Telekom, Celcom, Maxis or DiGi. Services are only available from 7am to 7pm daily at 600 85 9999. Please note that Premium Line charges of RM1.95/minute will apply.

After tried many options, then I called back TD and reconfirm the AA contact number. At first, she said they always use the premium line to contact AA. I said why I cannot? Is it because I do  not know how to operate this phone..? Correct me if I am wrong, you dial this, press this and that and can call already, right?

TD  : Ya ya, that is correct la.
Me  : But I can't contact them oh....I can only livechat with them.
TD  : err, honestly we never call the number la. But we always give customer the number and ask them change, and we will go into the system and change for them.

(I guess she wanted to say that all this while we have no problems with that. Aah, well but I can clearly listen to you asking your colleague for AA number and background sound of keyboard typing, and asked her is it the 600-xx- ar? then you told me that is the number that you always use/give)

Hmm..... Guess I did not get any clear information on your side. I stayed back to make sure I solve this problem and make it clear with my manager about it whether the time can be changed or not. However, the TD already went home and the "orang atasan" also cannot be reached.

Next morning, OA called me and asked about the problem whether it is solved already or not. I said no, but since there is no choice we have to stick with the old booking because of bla bla bla.

OA  : I will talk to TD. You should not call AA, is them (duhh, like I did not hear that from you yesterday...)
OA   : But, why did you check-in early ah?
Me   : Because today already near weekend, Monday is the last day before departure, and AA server always down with problems especially when you want to check-in; unpredictable. So, I don't want to do last minute, that's why I check-in early.
OA   : But because sometimes they always have last minute changes, like this...maybe today you can check in instead of yesterday....So, just telling, next maybe you can check in not so early...
Me    : Ok... Sorry.....

(I checked-in morning, changes was informed later afternoon, so it's my fault. Let's say, I did not make the check-in, I make it Friday, suddenly Friday afternoon got changes. So, I guess it'll be my fault also cus I should check in Monday right. So, let's say I wait until Monday, suddenly the unpredictable AA site does not allow me to check in because of etc etc etc. At the end, the manager did not get the boarding pass. So, OA? my fault also right? Predictable much.)

Not long after.... TD called...

TD    : So, what the AA said? Can or not. You got see my email? (Email written : What AA said? (summary))
Me    : Oh, AA said cannot.
TD    : Why cannot? What AA said why cannot?
Me    : Because I checked-in already. (Didn't I told you that was my problem earlier? OMG!!)
TD    : Naah, Ya la...is cannot 1. Because already check-in ma, we cannot go into the system to change 1.....
Me    : I know... that is why I asked you. But you said if I contact AA and asked them to open the ticket, you can make the changes. So, I followed what your instruction and called them since you said that is how normally you do.

TD    :  Yaa...but only for certain cases you know.... (No, I don't know cus I am so stupid like that! I told you my whole problem and the situation clearly and that is what you told me to do. You did not mention whatever special case, certain case, or whatsoever case. It is your job as a TD to know whether this thing CAN or CANNOT. That's it. One answer. You did not give me 1 answer, you told me can, if I contact AA........ remember???? I was still putting hope and crossing my finger that I can change with your advice eventhough as far as I'm concern, I don't think it can be changed. The only reason I contacted AA is because I thought I should trust a TD staff)

Me     : Ok lohh.... So, can you just email me saying that "No changes can be made due to secured booking" (Secured booking can also means that the booking is already secured with a boarding pass IMHO)
TD      : No, I don't write like that...I'll put because you already web check-in. Ok?
Me     : OK!   (Fine...... I'm so fine with that! You just want to make it clear that it is not your fault. Fine lorrr... I know is my fault. But you made me turning "1 big round" and wasted my time? Aren't you suppose to do something on that?)

-The End-

Conclusion is that I felt really guilty because I cannot help my manager to amend the flight or get another new ticket for an earlier flight because of company stingy policy. I understand that he wants to go back early to rest, to be with his family, and also because the next morning he needs to go work early. Well, I know Cathay Pacific and MAS have earlier flights but I did not tell him because I know the company does not allow to buy a new expensive tix.

Solution  :  Apologize for the web check-in. Felt sorry for the inconvenience caused. Admit my early check-in is the cause and will amend it next time. :)

I learned not to be defensive. An apology with an excuse is simply not an apology. Period.

What do you first do when you learn to swim? You make mistakes, do you not? And what happens? You make other mistakes, and when you have made all the mistakes you possibly can without drowning - and some of them many times over - what do you find? That you can swim? Well - life is just the same as learning to swim! Do not be afraid of making mistakes, for there is no other way of learning how to live!

- Alfred Adler

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