Rejections in Life
>> Saturday, October 16, 2010
Today, I'm being rejected again. Twice? No, three times... Sad it is. Hah. But I just have to accept it. Suddenly, there is this feeling of awkwardness between me and him. I don't even know how to face him and act like a normal friend while working. Truth is, I don't even feel like going to work. This is what I got "...sorry to say, actually I am not interested la...". I ended my reply with "...up2u la". Replied with "Alright, I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks for your invitation. I appreciate it". Can I reply, "Ok. Thanks. Good Luck. Bye!" ?? I wanted to but it seems like we're in sms competition and I must end the sms-conversation. Yeah, that was me long time ago... lol. But I won't be down or demotivated. Not because of one, or two or hundreds or more rejections... This is my life and I will keep on moving on as I have to just like everyone else. There's no point in my life to be sad just because of the rejection that I got. They were good to me at first, wanted to be my friend, wanted to know me oh-so-badly, talk 'bout stories that I don't even want to know, seek for my advices but at the end, when I step out to try a new starting point in my life... they were also the ones that back off first when I asked for favour/support.
Generally, there were too many things happened that some I can't even recall. Rejection whether in family, relationship, work, those who are doing sales, job application and so on.. It's part of life. While talking 'bout my mind wanders around.. looking around me and think... about everyone around me. Browse around to read some articles and stumbled upon few sites...
Rejection, rejected in life... way many numerous times to count. It's the matter of what we learn from there... Did we learn and apply it in our life? Did we use the lessons learned to make a different that may lead us to a better life with positive outcome? No matter what type of rejection that you are facing, I hope everyone out there will always be strong and know that it is possible to handle rejection in life without letting it destroy you. It is not a nice experience to have and it is also something that is inevitable in life. Thankfully, it possible to learn how to handle rejection. Learned that from Evelyn Lim's article, 7 tips on how to handle rejection from
If you have time, take a look and read site about Dealing with Rejection and Reclaiming your life. I like his article and I think it would help others to learn about handling rejections in life.
Some books from amazon about How To handle Rejections
Have a Nice Day! =)
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