Happy Halloween!

>> Sunday, October 31, 2010

source : brothersoft
 source : google.com

October 31st, Halloween! Common Hallowe'en activities include Costume parties, trick-or-treating in costumes, carving pumpkins, ghost tours, haunted attractions, bonfires, divination, apple bobbing. 

I was bit tired after shopping and walking the whole day. So, I decided to follow beautyQQ's ugly bitch look for Halloween. LOL.


Do this look with or without makeup. To uglify yourself, you need really thick eyebrows. For bitches, they're grumpy, angry all the time. So, they've frown lines. Add some more wrinkles. Prime your lips. Put lipstick. Be wild! And outline your lips with eyeliner. Add blemishes. Add bitchy mole. To make your look more bitchy, you can apply partial falsies on your bitchy mole to make it real and funny. Now the ugly bitch look is ready!! Add wig if you want. 

Haha!! It was easy... Just use any eyeliner and you don't even have to move or make any facial expression, naturally your face will look like an ugly bitch. Look at my ugly bitch look!! Only for halloween... Don't think I'll dare to go out with this face. Hehe.. Remember to cleanse your face after that. Makeup remover, double cleansing, and I applied seaweed mask to pamper my face.

I was searching for the pics I saved. They're lost & gone!! :( 

by Nicholas Sparks, The Last Song

>> Thursday, October 28, 2010

Read this, touching...Yeah, this book has been quite sometime in the market.. I was reading too many reviews until tempted to read it. After reading, then watch the movie. Nice story. I finished the book!! I rarely can finish a book so easily. Haha...

Try to get the cheapest deal in amazon bookstore.

The Last Song
The Last Song

Today’s Deal : 70% Off 60 Minutes Aromatheraphy Massage + 15 minutes 5 in 1 Infrared Sauna or Foot Bath

>> Wednesday, October 27, 2010

60 Minutes Aromatheraphy Massage + 15 minutes 5 in 1 Infrared Sauna or Foot Bath

Coupon Terms
  • Minimum 2 person per visit
  • Not redeemable together with JoJoBa membership card, discount voucher, group discount and all other promotions
  • Can purchase & use as many coupons as you like (It is NOT for 1st trial only)
  • Advance booking is required
  • Coupons valid from 31 Oct - 31 Dec 2010
  • See Universal Terms that apply to all Everyday Coupons.
  • JoJoBa Spa is Malaysia first and largest wellness tourism Spa
  • JoJoBa Spa is approximately 7000 sq. feet
  • Jojaba Spa won numerous awards including best wellness treatment spa 2009 & best customer service 2009
  • This coupon can redeem at all 3 Jojoba International branch

What you get when you purchase this coupon?

60 Minutes Aromatheraphy Massage (worth RM 149.50)
15 minutes 5 in 1 Infrared Sauna - Berjaya Times Square Only (worth RM 52.50)
15 minutes foot bath - Rimba Spa & Royale Spa (worth RM 52.50)

Another irresistible offer!! Should or not? (3x) Thinking....Aah~

Fibrena Fibre and Detox Drink - My Review

After the successful experiment of Eumora on my face, for a crazy-for-products-girl like me... I will surely browse for other products. I think this behaviour is applicable to everyone =P. Just look at KFC or McDonald's for example, they are famous for chicken and burger but when customer go there, they'll buy other type of food as well like apple pie, nuggets, ice-creams, and so on..Same goes to Coffee Bean, Starbucks Coffee and so on.  As for me, when I like something I will see what other products offered by the company. Hence, I bought the whole package to have continuous supply of health products, cheaper if you're the calculative type for long term vs short-term. One of them was, Fibrena!! (sounded like Ribena ey?)

About Fibrena - It's a fiber drink. Period. Haha~~ It's a natural fibre supplement with nMA (nutrition micro-algae). It tasted somewhat like blackcurrant so it's very easy to drink compared with other fiber drinks which is very hard to gulp, well some of it - not all. The pretty box packaging of Fibrena as shown above. There are 10 sachets (x 10g) in the box.

I've been drinking Fibrena for 3 weeks, coming now the 4th week. Hence, I can give a better review. In these 3 weeks, my routine were basically, eating, sleeping and internet-ing. No exercise at all. The only exercise I did was maybe walking to the kitchen and living room (Gosh!) and to restaurants and malls!! and using this HealthClub 6 in1 Function Pulse Massager I just bought but only use it like once a week (15mins only). 

My food intake was terribly terrible I have to admit. Before starting of the day, meaning before breakfast, I'll drink 1 sachet of Fibrena, take 1 nMA, and 14 tables of Chloreana (other products from SAB). My menu for Breakfast - two glasses of chocolate milk, 2-3slices of bread with either Nutella choc spread or Chesdale cheese slice. Lunch - chicken chop, lamb chop, fish head noodle, pork noodle, roasted chicken rice, wantan mee, pork rib rice, taiwan-style chicken chop rice, taiwan-style fish fillet rice. Tea-time - Cookies, Mee Goreng Mamak, Roti Tisu, Roti Canai, Nasi Goreng, Soto.  Dinner - almost the same menu with lunch, outside food - nachos with cheesy dip, potato wedges with DIY cheesy dip, fried mihun, chicken rice, bah kut teh, pork mee, wantan soup, crab claypot fried rice, pork ribs, beancurds etc. These not included with the mash potatoes, salad dressings, chips, fries and so on. Drinks - normally 'Teh C Ping' (milky tea), 'zhen zu nai cha' (bubble milk tea), 'teh tarik' (pulled-tea hehe...), chocolate milk, juices, and water. (my everyday-menu is totally not recommended for everyone, hope you all have a healthy and healthier one)

Now it is so clear that my eating habit is in serious condition. Shouldn't have think about it. But I did check on my weight every week (ok, fine every day)...no increase of weight. Well, sounds good but doesn't mean if you're not gaining weight you are not fat right? 

So the good part is that I don't have constipation like before and that I didn't gain weight at all while drinking Fibrena. So, to me it does help me to detox and cleansing and at same time maintain my figure. It will be good if exercise is added in everyday life. :p My other customer told me that it made her not wanting to eat more because after drinking Fibrena, she feels full plus it tasted like juice drink.

That's all about my Fibrena Review. Highly recommended!

PS: Other fiber drinks that I've tried before, FiberCol, PhytoFiber, NuvaTea, Nn Fiber Drink, Fybogel Orange, and more I can't recall. I stop few other fiber drinks because I've no idea why it doesn't work on me. Different people give different result I guess. 

For those who are interested to try the Fibrena Fiber Drinks, you can leave me comment or email me at mejcjac [@] gmail [dot] com .

More info click here @ eumoralife

Cheers! Have A Nice Day!

>> Tuesday, October 26, 2010

When I looked back, eventhough only 1 month. I've changed alot. To a better me, better person with better vision. How I wish everyone knows the simple rules to live a better life with positive attitude and be happy. But no, not everyone can do that unless they are motivated and teach by other people who have experienced it. Taking the one initial step to take action, change, and accept the facts are very hard. I learned that by experience and now I know why... When I meet my demotivated friends who always wallow about their life, their job, their body, their problems...I listened to them carefully. I wanted to give out whatever that I can help. I did motivate them and give out all the information I know and help them.

My dear friends, I did 99% by teaching, motivating and telling you. Why not 100%? Because the 1% is waiting for you to gear up and take charge! In order to become successful in your objective or aim of life, is by taking the 1% and complete the course. Take charge of your life and be happy! :)

Believe in yourself

Believe in yourself

A daily affirmation may seem to be a silly idea, but give it a try anyway. Write your own affirmation about your abilities, and repeat it each day before you leave your home. Start with the following, and modify it until it fully expresses your commitments, beliefs, and intents.

I am unlimited.
I take responsibility for my life.
My every action is a conscious choice.
I can accomplish anything good that I truly set my mind on.
I keep focus, and persevere.

source : Take Charge of Your Life - 9 Secrets for Getting Un-Stuck - Jonthan Lockwood Huie

China Glaze Polishes Spree 1

>> Friday, October 22, 2010

China Glaze Spree 1 arrived!! 

Happy like crazy!
 Thanks to those who order, the nail polish will be at your door step soon...

Submitting Your Site - Internet Directory

I can be searched in internet directory of interweblinks now! =)


Jcjac has been accepted into the Directory INTERNET DIRECTORY quality one way links InterWebLinks.

Your submission is appreciated, and we hope you will tell others about the directory, as well as submit more sites in the future.

RM 5 Set Lunch @ Hot Piper Restaurant & Cafe (Halal)

>> Thursday, October 21, 2010

1 Set Lunch @ Hot Piper Restaurant & Cafe
Coupon Terms
  • Allow multiple coupon per bill
  • Not inclusive of 10% service charge
  • Dine in Only
  • Coupon valid from 26 Oct - 23 Dec 2010
  • See Universal Terms that apply to all Everyday Coupons.
  • Modern cuisine which combine Asian and Euro fine dine cuisine
  • Serve delicious Pasta
  • Add RM 1.50 for HotPiper Mushroom Soup or Coffee
  • Add RM 3 for Mini Caesar Salad

To Know That You Did Something...

>> Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wonderful to the people around you especially to new friends and strangers is awesome!

It makes you feel great, happy, confident, appreciated and positive in life!

Thanks for those who listen to my advice on how to lose weight and know the importance of healthy diet... the key to diet and lose weight is not by NOT eating anything or not eating meat at all (if you're not a vegan).

Thanks for those who enjoy getting their favourite nail polish as much as I love getting mine too! Ngee... =D Thanks for letting me be your personal shopper, consultant, reviewer and so on.

Thanks for those who are motivated in their personal aim and Thanks for believing in me.

Thanks for those who never believe in my facts and fakta (based on my own research findings) but believe in myths and taboos; as you all are my strength to keep me moving forward in my life - to know what is good or bad; right or wrong; positive or negative.

Thanks for those who enjoy my company time jalan-jalan cari makan and jalan-jalan buang masa. Haha~~

Lastly, big THANK YOU to my sis for helping me !! I won't disappoint you.

"Try to make a good deed once a day - large or small, it doesn't matter. Self-sacrificing or not, extraordinary or mundane, it doesn't matter. Just one thing every day, that's all. The more I do good, the better I feel about myself. Truly, to benefit others is to benefit yourself."

My good deed today - Teaching my friend and send my concern to my m.i.a housemate; get well soon!

 Being Happy! Amazon Books

Source of Image : telegraph.co.uk

Natural Origin Cocoa Butter Handmade Soap Review

I got mine this week.. Yeay! Ordered from suisuiskin.com. Suisuiskin - Organic & Beauty. Goes with the slogan "Protect your largest organ - skin. Avoid skincare with "rubbish" chemicals". When I read suisui... It will remind me of the word sui jing jing don't know why. I think it's Thai language means truly beautiful? Somebody correct me pls.. I read somewhere, Jing jing means true, Sui or sooay means beautiful. So, soay jing jing - cantik betul? hehe..

Back to my cocoa butter soap... Here it is, tadaa!


• Helpful to prevent stretch marks
• Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
• Rich in natural Vitamin E
• Recommended for dry, scaly skin and aging skin

Ingredients : Elaeis guineensis (Palm) Oil, Deionized Water, Theobroma cacao (cocoa) seed butter, Cocos nucifera (coconut) oil, Ricinus communis (castor) seed oil, Cinnamomum zeylanicum leaf oil, Citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) peel oil,  Theobroma cacao (cocoa) powder. 

Weight : 110g

Once received, use it -shower time! My skin felt soft and dry ( I mean the good type of dry.. not bad - d.r.y). The difference with previous cocoa butter body care that I tried before like from body shop etc., is that this one doesn't leave the strong moisturizing effect. Hope I deliver the description correctly... Some cocoa butter product after you use it, you tend to feel this moisturized layer on skin... like there's a super-thin-moisturized-layer-kind-of-feeling. Overall, I like it. Like the smell too. Give 7.5/10. 

MKP-1 gene - play a key role in depression

>> Monday, October 18, 2010

Clicked this in yahoo news as the title caught my eye... MKP-1 gene -> depression. Great findings.. 

PARIS (AFP) - – Scientists in the United States said they had found a gene that appears to play a key role in the onset of depression, a finding that could unlock new avenues for drug engineers.

A gene called MKP-1 was identified by Yale University investigators after comparing the genetic codes of 21 deceased people who had been diagnosed with depression with those of 18 otherwise healthy individuals.

Read more here

Only RM5 - 50% off RM 10 Cash Voucher @ Ice Zone Cafe SS 15

RM 10 Cash Voucher @ Ice Zone SS 15
Coupon Terms
  • Allow Multiple Coupons Per Bill
  • For Dine In Only
  • Not Redeemable together with other promotions
  • Coupon Valid From 21 October - 31 January 2011
  • See Universal Terms that apply to all Everyday Coupons.
  • Cash Voucher can be use for Snow Ice, Sorbet & Snacks.
  • Ice Zone claims their snow ice is the healthiest and the best in town
  • WIFI is available

Ice Zone
No. 19, Jalan SS 15/8A,
47500 Subang Jaya,
Selangor. D. E.
Tel : 03-56320177

Ice Zone have wide selections of mouth watering Snow Ice and Sorbet listed in our menu.Right here,you will find Variety of snow ice flavors such as sweetie strawberry,sunny mango,crystal lychee,succulent watermelon and many more!

Ice Zone snow ice making technique evolved from Taiwan.We work passionately to explore the taste,texture and appearance until we find the perfect,healthiest and best snow ice in town ! Ice Zone's fruity,creamy and flavor rich snow ice is a must for both diners and food critics !

Ice Zone is famous for their Taiwan Snow Ice. They uses real fruit. Below are their snow ice creations.

Jolly BananaMagical AvacadoLemon



source : everyday

Pictures look damn yummy- and huge portion....Worth it for those staying nearby area, SS15. Anyone going do let me know the yummylicious of the snow ice. I want jolly banana and magical avocado. =/ 

Online Chinese Character to Pinyin Converter with Pronunciation

>> Sunday, October 17, 2010

I found a website that converts chinese character to pinyin with tone number/mark and pronunciation. The website is purpleculture.net . It's free! Really good for those who want to learn chinese language or learn chinese songs. Can convert chinese lyrics to pinyin also. =) 

Eumora Facial Bar Experience - My Review

I think I've been bragging about this product for so long but didn't really get to sit down and make a review about it. So, here I am...Sunday morning. Drinking chocolate milk with Kellogg's with L'élan Vital Eye Mask on my eyes and sitting infront my laptop. I just found the last pair of eye patch that's why using it now. Or else I'll forget about the existence of it and buy another new one... 

I mentioned in my previous post..Eumora Facial Bar. Eumora, eumora, eumora...!!! (you all might be thinking, she keep talking 'bout Eumora sure she create story and just wanted to eat people's money and trying to find sales.. Ey, hello?? if you are one of them... skeptical like mad. Then you can read up to this point only.) This review is only for those who believe that they can help their skin to be better and that they want to try out this new product.

I've been reading alot of negative comments in forums and blogs about Eumora. I actually heard and saw this product 2 years ago, which was 2008. It launched around that year also. It was selling RM299 for 1 big bar and some are selling in sample size. I was tempted to buy that time but I didn't because I was skeptical la.. But my friend actually told me that I did bought one sample Eumora and gave it to her. Ooops... I really, really can't remember that at all...... and she even told me, I just gave her like that so she also m.c.c (mung cha cha) like that use the thing and didn't see any result. Funny hor... and now it is 2010. I, myself am using the product with direct and proper instruction given. 

The secret to get the best result from using Eumora is the bubbles formed. Many sellers out there just mention,  make a thick lather. I can 100% say, that the instruction is not correct at all. Even some sellers trying to make sales in youtube by making video on how to use Eumora... I cannot tahan (stand it) watching it because it is not the right method. But they are sellers too, I should not condemn them in youtube or their blog. It's up to people's decision whether or not to believe them and whether or not to buy from them.  

I did an experiment for 1 month (more actually) using Eumora the sensational moor bar with Hma. Finally now I make a review. The first 3 days actually, I can feel the difference on my skin already. The first feeling was my skin felt very soft and smooth. Upper cheek part, there is this one tiny blackhead came out (itupun after looking myself very close to the mirror then I saw it ~ vain yeah!). On the fifth day, after washing my face I put on makeup to get ready to the club. I did not put on toner or moisturiser. Direct put my foundation compact powder...Guess what? Super smooth application on skin. I was in awe...- - - for a sec, because rushing to get change. 4am from the club, reached home then I realized my skin was not oily at all (especially my T-zone oily-prone area) eventhough I was sweating like mad!! Hmm... what else apart from less oily and soft.. Ah ya, my pigmentation spots reduced/faded and less visible (I love this!!). My whiteheads all came out easily (especially those area tepi2 nose) and pores around nose area getting smaller, my pores on my face is ok already so it enhance my skin texture. My milia bump under eye less visible and no more bump. Slowly reduced became one soft dot and almost like skin already (if you can imagine what I meant).  Dark circle reduced abit... why abit? Well, I sleep at 3-4am woke up at 7-8am. My fault la, takkan I say eumora not working because of that? This is up to an individual how she takes care of her health. We all know that sleep early, rise early is the best solution. I'm still trying in process to adapt with that routine. 

I experimented eumora bar with few combination :
(a) Eumora + Toner + Moisturiser (night and day) vs Eumora
(b) Eumora  + Moisturiser (day) without sunblock vs Eumora
(c) Eumora + Moisturiser (day) with sunblock vs Eumora
(d) Eumora + sunblock without moisturiser vs Eumora
(e) Eumora without anything at all. 
    Put myself feeling bare and exposed to the outside environment just like that for 3 weeks (now 4th week already) Friends always questioned me..."really arr...you dare ahh.. I scared~~" Sigh. It's an experiment that I chose to do to my skin. I challenge myself to see whether this product is really that good and effective or not. Why people always responded me like that? How will you know something really works if you don't try it.. How will you know this product can do this, do that if you don't experiment with it? 

Result for my skin after a,b,c,d and e trial : My previous pigmentation spot never re-appear. So, less mole-like appearance on face. Clean, fresh, and glowing skin without makeup. With makeup looks natural also as long as you don't overdo. One thing for sure, I am so confident to go out yumcha with friends without putting on anything. Wash face, make the hair, put on clothes..off to the place. Fast! I don't use toner for quite some time already... Kesian my newly bought toner. My daily routine now is routine alphabet 'e' only. Eumora without anything. 

Anyways, I wrote too long for sure everyone get bored ady... It's like bla bla bla... for those who enjoyed my review.. Thank you so much =)   I'll keep on posting my updates using this bar if I remember. Enjoying it!

My next coming review - Fibrena for detox, PeuraTime for the perfect cleavage breast, and most exciting (I myself can't wait to get this...) Silver8 (silver eight??) for slimming, slimming, slimming! Watch out for that.

Have a Nice day~~  


The Root Cause

I was at this site just now OCD - The Root Cause, at first I thought for sure I don't have this when I read (as stated in the aboutme section) - How to put a Stop to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I was like 'naaahh.....', so I kept on reading it ...

What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)? 

In OCD, sufferers experience repetitive, intrusive and unwelcome impulses and doubts which they find hard to ignore. Obsessions are the impulses people have which reoccur over and over again. Feeling excessively worried about the hands being dirty for example are obsessive feelings. In order to make the obsessive feelings go away the compulsions are performed. Excessively washing the hands are compulsions. Some common OCD's are touching, nail biting, excessive double-checking, counting, hand washing, cleaning, hoarding, praying and ordering/arranging.

Individuals with this disorder feel the urge to carry out specific actions such as hand washing, nail biting etc to release a build up of tension. The more an individual tries to stop carrying out the rituals the harder s/he would find it to stop and it worsens when the individual is under stress. Fortunately there is a cure for this disorder.

source : therootcause

Hmm... I think I have few of the symptoms.. isk.isk.. I think I should grab this book.  *__*

Random Clicking - Who is BeautyQQ?

I was clicking this youtube video about how to look like an ugly bitch during halloween...The video was funny. It leads me to click another video of the pretty uploader. After few clicks, I fell in love with her... lol. She is pretty, funny and real in her video... well at least she looks genuine to me in her video. She likes to put motivational phrase/words in her vids as well. From makeup tutorial, beauty tips, healthy stuff, DIY tutorial, her trips to other places, food!! and even her "what's in my bag" vid.... I enjoyed watching all of her vids... I read some other blog saying that she is actually 40 years old. BeautyQQ is 40 years old? Well, age is nothing. She doesn't even look like 40 okay... Hope I can be like her. The secret? Be happy always, eat healthily, pamper yourself and your skin, drink water and believe in yourself. Besides Michelle Phan and other beauty gurus in youtube, now I have a new channel to watch. Haha... She has video in English, Mandarin and Cantonese. Below are two of her vids that I randomly grabbed because I just love all her vids actually...  Enjoy~~

by MsQueenieChan aka BeautyQQ

How to Remove Whiteheads 泡澡去粉刺

Eating with QQ in Taipei ★台北夜市吃翻天★

Rejections in Life

>> Saturday, October 16, 2010

Today, I'm being rejected again. Twice? No, three times... Sad it is. Hah. But I just have to accept it. Suddenly, there is this feeling of awkwardness between me and him. I don't even know how to face him and act like a normal friend while working. Truth is, I don't even feel like going to work. This is what I got "...sorry to say, actually I am not interested la...". I ended my reply with "...up2u la". Replied with "Alright, I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks for your invitation. I appreciate it". Can I reply, "Ok. Thanks. Good Luck. Bye!"  ?? I wanted to but it seems like we're in sms competition and I must end the sms-conversation. Yeah, that was me long time ago... lol. But I won't be down or demotivated. Not because of one, or two or hundreds or more rejections... This is my life and I will keep on moving on as I have to just like everyone else. There's no point in my life to be sad just because of the rejection that I got. They were good to me at first, wanted to be my friend, wanted to know me oh-so-badly, talk 'bout stories that I don't even want to know, seek for my advices but at the end, when I step out to try a new starting point in my life... they were also the ones that back off first when I asked for favour/support. 

Generally, there were too many things happened that some I can't even recall. Rejection whether in family, relationship, work, those who are doing sales, job application and so on.. It's part of life. While talking 'bout my friend...my mind wanders around.. looking around me and think... about everyone around me. Browse around to read some articles and stumbled upon few sites... 

Rejection, rejected in life... way many numerous times to count. It's the matter of what we learn from there... Did we learn and apply it in our life? Did we use the lessons learned to make a different that may lead us to a better life with positive outcome? No matter what type of rejection that you are facing, I hope everyone out there will always be strong and know that it is possible to handle rejection in life without letting it destroy you. It is not a nice experience to have and it is also something that is inevitable in life. Thankfully, it possible to learn how to handle rejection. Learned that from Evelyn Lim's article, 7 tips on how to handle rejection from pickthebrain.com.

If you have time, take a look and read jonasclark.com site about Dealing with Rejection and Reclaiming your life. I like his article and I think it would help others to learn about handling rejections in life. 

Some books from amazon about How To handle Rejections - 
How to Handle Your Emotions: Anger, Depression, Fear, Grief, Rejection, Self-Worth (Counseling Through the Bible Series)Law of Attraction & Spiritual RelationshipsHOW TO HANDLE REJECTION

Have a Nice Day! =)

AirAsia RM1 SALE ( AirAsia's Mind Blowing Fare )

>> Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's Back!!

Discount Duration:Wed, 13 Oct 2010 - Sun, 17 Oct 2010
Promotion:It’s time for another AirAsia Mind Blowing Fare promo again! Based on past experience, we’ve noticed that whenever we run any major promos, there seems to be hiccups here and there.. To help speed up your booking process, we’ve identified some common issues and a simple guide on solutions and tips to help you grab your low fares! Mind Blowing Fare starts on 00:01hrs (GMT+0800) 13 October 2010
Products Offered:

  • Booking period: 13 - 17 Oct 2010

  • Travel period: 1 Apr - 11 Aug 2011

  • source : everyday website & newspaper

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