After the successful experiment of Eumora on my face, for a crazy-for-products-girl like me... I will surely browse for other products. I think this behaviour is applicable to everyone =P. Just look at KFC or McDonald's for example, they are famous for chicken and burger but when customer go there, they'll buy other type of food as well like apple pie, nuggets, ice-creams, and so on..Same goes to Coffee Bean, Starbucks Coffee and so on. As for me, when I like something I will see what other products offered by the company. Hence, I bought the whole package to have continuous supply of health products, cheaper if you're the calculative type for long term vs short-term. One of them was, Fibrena!! (sounded like Ribena ey?)

About Fibrena - It's a fiber drink. Period. Haha~~ It's a natural fibre supplement with nMA (nutrition micro-algae). It tasted somewhat like blackcurrant so it's very easy to drink compared with other fiber drinks which is very hard to gulp, well some of it - not all. The pretty box packaging of Fibrena as shown above. There are 10 sachets (x 10g) in the box.
I've been drinking Fibrena for 3 weeks, coming now the 4th week. Hence, I can give a better review. In these 3 weeks, my routine were basically, eating, sleeping and internet-ing. No exercise at all. The only exercise I did was maybe walking to the kitchen and living room (Gosh!) and to restaurants and malls!! and using this HealthClub 6 in1 Function Pulse Massager I just bought but only use it like once a week (15mins only).
My food intake was terribly terrible I have to admit. Before starting of the day, meaning before breakfast, I'll drink 1 sachet of Fibrena, take 1 nMA, and 14 tables of Chloreana (other products from SAB). My menu for Breakfast - two glasses of chocolate milk, 2-3slices of bread with either Nutella choc spread or Chesdale cheese slice. Lunch - chicken chop, lamb chop, fish head noodle, pork noodle, roasted chicken rice, wantan mee, pork rib rice, taiwan-style chicken chop rice, taiwan-style fish fillet rice. Tea-time - Cookies, Mee Goreng Mamak, Roti Tisu, Roti Canai, Nasi Goreng, Soto. Dinner - almost the same menu with lunch, outside food - nachos with cheesy dip, potato wedges with DIY cheesy dip, fried mihun, chicken rice, bah kut teh, pork mee, wantan soup, crab claypot fried rice, pork ribs, beancurds etc. These not included with the mash potatoes, salad dressings, chips, fries and so on. Drinks - normally 'Teh C Ping' (milky tea), 'zhen zu nai cha' (bubble milk tea), 'teh tarik' (pulled-tea hehe...), chocolate milk, juices, and water. (my everyday-menu is totally not recommended for everyone, hope you all have a healthy and healthier one)
Now it is so clear that my eating habit is in serious condition. Shouldn't have think about it. But I did check on my weight every week (ok, fine every day) increase of weight. Well, sounds good but doesn't mean if you're not gaining weight you are not fat right?
So the good part is that I don't have constipation like before and that I didn't gain weight at all while drinking Fibrena. So, to me it does help me to detox and cleansing and at same time maintain my figure. It will be good if exercise is added in everyday life. :p My other customer told me that it made her not wanting to eat more because after drinking Fibrena, she feels full plus it tasted like juice drink.
That's all about my Fibrena Review. Highly recommended!
PS: Other fiber drinks that I've tried before, FiberCol, PhytoFiber, NuvaTea, Nn Fiber Drink, Fybogel Orange, and more I can't recall. I stop few other fiber drinks because I've no idea why it doesn't work on me. Different people give different result I guess.
For those who are interested to try the Fibrena Fiber Drinks, you can leave me comment or email me at mejcjac [@] gmail [dot] com .
More info
click here @ eumoralife
Cheers! Have A Nice Day!