>> Monday, July 25, 2011

Whatever you are, be a good one - Abraham Lincoln

Mizz Nina feat Flo Rida- Takeover

>> Thursday, July 21, 2011

Love the beat of the song and it suits the music trend for now. Kudos to Mizz Nina. I'm sure she has come a long way to reach this level. I think her outfits in the music video are quiet decent as you can see from 'behind the scene'. I saw lots of negative comments in youtube saying she is too sexy and revealing. At least, she didn't do any extreme makeover with weird outfits, right? Let's say... nipple tape and thong, bikini and black tapes over body? Nah... 

Behind The Scenes "TAKEOVER" - Mizz Nina feat. Flo Rida




Flo Rida, MizzNina

You better call Mr Fix-It

Let em’ know we got a problem Houston

Flo Rida go up to the moon with the music

Taking off boom boom that acoustics,

Countdown like 1, 2, 3, 4,

The party don’t start till’ I’m on the dancefloor

Like 5, 6, 7, 8, we rockin’ the club all day


Said I’ve been rocking’ round here, round here

But it’s about to get a little crazy up in here,

Cause you can’t escape this club

I’m bout to tear it up

And I can see I gotcha trippin’ for this

Oh and I mean business


Saying Houston,

We got a little problem, we got a little problem,

I, Imma gonna solve em’

Saying Houston,

We got a little problem, we got a little problem,

Cause Imma gonna rock em’


This is how its going down, going down

And imma gonna break it, break it, break it down,

Break it down,

This is a take oh oh over,

This is a take oh oh over,


Now i want ya out ya head, out ya head

And imma gonna tell ya and i’ll tell ya what I said

I’m here and I’m in control

Thats just the way I roll

I’m tearing down the walls until the morning

Oh this is a warning




Na na na na na na oh eh ey,

Na na na na na na oh oh

Na na na na na na oh eh ey,

Na na na na na na oh oh

Na na na na na na oh eh ey,

Na na na na na na oh oh

Na na na na na na oh eh ey,

Na na na na na na oh oh


Its all under control I gotcha hands up

See when I walk in the door I make em’ stand up

Its like I’m taking a pose, it’s all cameras

Feel a knock at your door its like hammers

Oh baby, get a little crazy, tear the walls down

Now you gotta pay me

I’m taking over put em’ up lady


Now let me see you put your hands up, all your hands

I wanna see you put your hands up, all your hands

I wanna see you put your hands up, all your hands

Now rehydrate before you pass out, fore you pass out,

Pass out




source : mizznina.com

Awaken Night

I can't sleep IDK why... blame it on stress? hormonal imbalance changes? Many factors that I'm not sure which but well, better that being accused 'terrible'? I just want to say that it is mean and rude to say that to me. I'm so lazy to confront or to say it to you already. Instead of saying that, you should be thinking/concern why this fella is awake? Is she ok? or she just can't sleep? and let her be on her own. I know my own body that is. There's no use forcing myself to wake up when I'm supposed to be enjoying my Zzzz. I woke up early morning 5.30am, went to send my sis, bought breakfast, went to interview, drove like mad (my bad), fetch my sis, eat and eat, clean the house (vacuum, mop, wipe all the dusty areas), clean the bathroom, and forgot to do my facial mask... I was more than tired compared to you! Sorry for not being understanding but fair enough cus you don't too. I, myself never know how long can I stay awake, how many tasks I can handle in 1 day, how myself dealing with all that, coping up with people, having problems at the same time but maintain to be calm and positive... Typical answers given : tired, stress, headache - proceed next day. That is what I see everyday. No one notice - Coffee stain on printer left for weeks, dust compiled, kitchen area getting dirtier, toilet bathroom mildew, mould, stains, etc. If I can choose, I definitely hope that I do not have to clean all that but I know I can't rely on maids (they're hopeless in cleaning) and it'll be a miracle if the others would clean up some of the area... so, I'll do it. No complains. Mom used to make noise back at home while daughters were still sleeping, but, hey! you should be proud of me now. I'm so much better that many others. Perasan 5 seconds. lol. I wish that life is simple and easy but not. I'm learning.. Independent yes! Dependent, maybe also. All I know is I try to push myself forward each day; doing something that I'm not sure whether I can, keep on doing until the end of the day, do what I can if still mampu, think every ways for solution... gossips/chit-chat as a way to release stress but of course I don't have bad intentions, try to boost energy, live healthily...and happily... I don't want ageing lines that fast yet. Dislike pointless arguments over small matters that have little to no real meaning in life. I'll learn to shut off as I'm really tired, I'm accepting and trying to understand that every person have different personality, there are people that will always keep on talking bout the past, negativity, instead of moving on with life and look at the brighter side. We can never change these type of people because they are always 'right'. I am not a saint to change anyone, that is why I focus on myself; what I can do with my abilities, what I can give and contribute.Afterall, what is life? You define it. Life is....something abstract. Crapping too much. 

Stay Well and Happy!

Gregor Mendel on Google

>> Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It's Gregor Mendel's 189th birthday. Back to schooldays, Mendel's Law, Mendelian Genetics, Bapa Genetik, Hukum Mendel... recall anything? Those were the SPM days... 

He's famous for his findings and study of the inheritance of certain traits in pea (Pisum sativum)plants. The seven garden pea characteristics studied by Gregor Mendel - Stem length, flower position, flower colour, pod (fruit) shape, pod colour, seed shape and seed colour.

Mendel's papers were published in 1866 but the scientific community had no knowledge of DNA, genes, mitoses and meiosis that time. Hence, his work was not recognised during his lifetime. It was only in the early twentieth that his papers were rediscovered by 3 scientists who had some mathematics background and recognised his work. After the discovery of chromosomes, DNA and genes, Mendel's work became the foundation for the basic genetic principles for inheritance. Then, he is known as Father of Genetics.

We learned genetics, chromosomes, DNA, genes etc, since Form 4 and 5. But why the university students nowadays, when they were taught and asked to read about genes and other related information, they're so lazy to read and all they know when being questioned - is answer back - 'don't know'. Tapi, pandai plak buka FB page cari 'info' lain? Doh! 

孙燕姿 - 我不难过 MV

>> Monday, July 18, 2011

Because I'm stubborn like that, hard-headed... and always 'suka menjawab' for small issue and small things (yeah.. but at least not some big probs ok and I don't make chaos hoo-hoo-ha-ha). Here, I present to you Stefanie Sun Yan Zi - Wo Bu Nan Guo MV from YouTube. *Ngek, ngek, ngek* My fav song, love the tune, music and lyric is easy. Enjoy~~ 

Below is the chinese lyric, pinyin lyric and english translation I found from forum. Full credit to the contributor from chinesemusicblog.

曲名:我不难过    歌手:孙燕姿        

:杨明学 作曲:李偲松

you zhan zai ni jia de men kou wo men chong fu chen mo
Standing again at your doorstep, we fall into morose silence again.

zhe yang zi dan fang mian de shou hou
This kind of expectation harboured by only one party,

hai neng duo jiu
How much longer can it last?

zhong yu ni kai kou xiang wo shu shuo ta you duo wen rou
At last, you described to me how gentle she is.

sui ran ni hai wo zhe wo de shou
Though you are still holding on to my hand,

dan wo yi bu zai ni xin zhong
I am no longer in your heart.

我真的懂 你不是喜新
wo zhen de dong ni bu shi xi xin yan jiu
I truly understand that you are not favouring the new against the old.

是我 没有
shi wo mei you
It's me. I haven't,

pei zai ni shen bian dang ni ji mo shi hou
Stayed by your side when you were lonely.

别再看著我说著你爱过 别太伤
bie zai kan zhe wo shuo zhe ni ai guo bie tai shang tong
Don't look at me and said that I have loved before, and shouldn't be too hurt.

我不难过 这不算什
wo bu nan guo zhe bu suan shen me
I am not sad, this is nothing.

zhi shi wei shen me yan lei hui liu wo ye bu dong
It is just that why the tears are flowing, I do not know.

让我走 让我开始享受自
jiu rang wo zou rang wo kai shi xiang shou zi you
Just let me go, and get started in savouring freedom.

忆很多 你的影子也会充满我生
hui yi hen duo ni de ying zi ye hui chong man wo sheng hui
There are many memories, and even the shadow of you can fill my life.

我并不懦弱 你比谁都
wo bing bu nuo ruo ni bi shui dou dong
I am not being weak, you of all people should understand this.

虽然寂寞 这会是我 最后的
sui ran ji mo zhe hui shi wo zui hou de kuan rong
Though I would be lonely, this shall be my last concession.

紧我 再抱
bao jin wo zai bao jin wo
Hug me tightly, and hug me tightly again.

这一份感动 请你让我留在胸
zhe yi fen gan dong jiu qing ni rang wo liu zai xiong kou
This exhilarating captivation, please let me keep it in my chest.

别再说 是你的
bie zai shuo shi ni de cuo
Do not say anymore that it is your fault.

爱到了尽头 是非对错
ai dao le jin tou shi fei dui cuo
When love is at its end, there is no right and wrong.

让它随风 忘了所有 过的比你快
jiu rang ta sui feng wang le suo you guo de bi ni guo huo
Let it drift away with the wind, and let us forget everything. I'm living better than you.

真的懂 你不是喜新
zhen de dong ni bu shi xi xin yan jiu
I truly understand that you are not favouring the new against the old.

不要再 许这是最好的结
bu yao zai shuo huo xu zhe shi zui hao de jie guo
Do not say anymore that this is, perhaps, the best ending.

现在分手 总好过你不爱我一拖再
xian zai fen shou zong hao guo ni bu ai wo yi tuo zai tuo
Breaking up now is better than dragging a relationship without love.

松开你的手 离开你左右
song kai ni de shou li kai ni zuo you
Releasing your hands, leaving your side.

我向前走 这会是我真正的解脱
wo xiang qian zou zhe hui shi wo zhen zheng de jie tuo
I am walking forward, this shall be my true release.

Credit to : ChineseMusicBlog

Never say Never - I'll prove it till the end!

Lelan Vital Black Gel Eyeliner

Lelan Vital Gel Eyeliner : I bought this yesterday; been wanting to try out gel eyeliner but the price is expensive for a small bottle at other drugstores/shops. I wanted to try Kate gel eyeliner but the price is around RM40++ IINM (if I'm not mistaken). This is only RM15! 

Product Description : 

ExtreneWear Gel Eyeliner, 5g - Intense Vivid Colour for Super Long-Lasting Allure

Highly pigmented, ultra-soft and smooth gel eyeliner in a pot. Glides on like a liquid liner and dries to a long-wearing, zero-smudge finish. Easy and flexible control with ultra-fine tapered brush applicator for the ultimate precision. Free of mineral oil and parabens.

The brush applicator is quite soft and it didn't give me an ultra-fine line. I found my Stila Brush No.10 (actually for brow) and used it to apply the gel eyeliner near my lash line. I managed to get a thin fine line. No smudge for more than 6 hours, which is a good thing. My eyelid type is not the oily type so I'm not sure if this gel eyeliner will work the same way it did to me or not (for those with oily eyelid). Well, you can always do experiment.

[Bersih 2.0] Chaos!

>> Saturday, July 9, 2011

Lockdown or not, organisers to go ahead with rallies

Umno Youth and Putera 1Malaysia Club will go ahead with their plan today. Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin said the Patriot assembly is due to be held in Jalan Bukit Bintang at 10am today. Perkasa had not yet given up hope and would work on obtaining permission to use the Selayang Stadium by 2pm today.

source : thestar

Orang ramai dinasihat mengelak memasuki atau menghampiri lokasi panas di sekitar bandaraya iaitu :
Sekitar Dataran Merdeka, Masjid Jamek, Kampung Baru, Jalan Tun Perak, SOGO, Maju Junction, Pasar Seni, KLCC.

Jalan utama sekitar bandaraya KL yg ditutup : Jalan Syed Putra, Jalan Istana, Jalan Bukit Bintang, Jalan Bellamy, Sekitar Istana Negara, Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin, Jalan Lembah Perdana dan Lembah Cenderasari.

Beberapa laluan di lebuhraya mengalami kesesakan malam semalam ekoran sekatan jalan raya :
Tol Gombak menuju ke arah ibu negara, Susur keluar Tol Sg Besi, Susur keluar Tol Batu 9

Jalan ditutup bermula Sabtu 9 Julai 2011 12.01am hingga 10pm arahan PDRM. (58 jalan ditutup)

* Pastikan minyak kereta cukup.

Source : RTM TV1

What is actually Bersih 2.0 ? I didn't bother to know about this rally because all I know it's all about politic and sementara they all sangat syok mau memprotes sini dan sana, membeli and mendesign t-shirt, buat banner besar-besar, and buat hal.... yang suffer is the rakyat. They said roadblocks will start midnight 9 July but it had started since 8 July and lead to massive jam in KL area and Selangor. Companies allowing their staffs to go home as early as 4am yesterday to avoid jam doesn't help either. Probably they should just give 1 day free paid-leave to them. I saw the traffic jam since 3.30pm. I thought orang baru nak balik ke office dari sembahyang Jumaat, 3pm... sekali check-check, it's 3.30pm but already jam like hell. The traffic at Tol Sg. Besi was terrible, I saw the cars not moving and very-very slow even if it's moving. The scene of the traffic maintained from 8pm to after 12am. So kesian kan.... 

You can read and find out more what is Bersih 2.0 from their website

A few info from their site :

BERSIH was officially launched on 23 November 2006. The introduction opening goes with this statement :

“Only when elections are clean and fair, can citizens be real masters of their own destiny and expect holders of public office to act accountably and effectively.”

Bersih 2.0’s calls consist of 8 points. In summary, they are : 1. Clean the electoral roll 2. Reform postal ballot 3. Use of indelible ink 4. Minimum 21 days campaign period 5. Free and fair access to media 6. Strengthen public institutions 7. Stop corruption 8. Stop dirty politics

Seems like good intention of the formation of BERSIH but well, of course there'll be other parties that will come up with something to attack 'you'. Why la this people cannot behave and make peace. Bikin panas!

For those who stay at home, enjoy your day! For those stuck in jam, err...be patient la.

Cars 2 – the evil twin lives on

>> Saturday, July 2, 2011

Cars 2 – the evil twin lives on

Kesian la this guy, he kena 5 saman from police for offences (2 in Perak, another one at KM383 and other places) - speeding and accident. Both car, Myvi with same plate number WSV 5270 but different colour. The 'buat hal' car is white colour, a Malay driver, and the innocent car is silver colour, Chinese driver. The white car got many accessories. Mr Poong, 23, already paid 2 summonses last year for something that he didn't do. He thought after that no more already until he got another one for not reporting an accident occured at Subang. So, he went report police and to MCA Public Services and Complaints Department.

Datuk Michael Chong said, it's either a technical mistake had occurred when the cars were registered or some people are using registration numbers of other vehicle owners.

He urged the public with information to call the police or the department at 03-2161 8044. Myvi White...go menyerah diri lah you. Always speeding!

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