Interesting Deals

>> Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Maaf Zahir & Batin

Would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a Happy Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Segala salah dan silap harap dilupakan and marilah mula lembaran baru. Hehe... Also, happy holidays to those who are still in holiday mood. I miss kuih makmur badly... craving for it. I've ate few raya cookies, rendang, ketupat, nasi impit and lontong (and I thought lontong was the mee thingy...not. they shared the same name I guess).

Lontong is something like ketupat but wrap with daun pisang (banana leaf) and ketupat is wrap with daun kelapa (palm leaves). Both taste nice to me.

image source: psittacula.wordpress

Resepi for kuih makmur found from this blog; hairul's blog. The url title is  resepi kuih makmur special style sabah. Nyummay~~ I must try to do it someday. Last was during primary school. wooaah~~

Have a Nice Day Ahead All~

Olympic Fever 2012

>> Saturday, August 11, 2012

London 2012 Olympic Games
It's the Day 15 of 17 !

I know I am super-late. :P  Found this nice olympic card and an Olympic theme colouring page; see above. Have fun for those who like colouring. also Congrats to Malaysia team, to Dato' Lee Chong Wei and Pandelela Rinong anak Pamg! 

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