Upgraded Zuma Blitz - Kroakatoa Island

>> Sunday, October 7, 2012

A new island with new levels to aim for and more exciting stuffs. I still love the zuma's graphics and all although I haven't played the game for quite some time. Kinda miss it. Just an update/snapshot of my zuma. 

Welcome to Kroakatoa
the Newest Island from Zuma® Blitz!

Advance to earn Stars and unlock special Powers.
Each time you earn 10 Stars you'll be promoted.

Score high to earn XP (experience points)
and advance even faster.

Build ball-blasting skills as you go to challenge friends and make your way to the top of the leaderboard.
...and just maybe you'll meet the Frog King. 

 Bring your treasure together.

 Hop Away!!

 'Croakk, croakkk' Welcome to Kroakatoa!

 She buys your item and exchange with cash.

 Free Gift!

Gear up, Get set and... 

Start your Journey :)

This is soo like what I'm going through now. Transition; packing, new place (island), allowances (free gift), decision-making/attitude-change (powers), different type of people (colours of zuma balls), embark on a new journey (the frog leveling up and might meet the frog King.. lol).

Have a great weekend!

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