It's been so long...

>> Sunday, June 10, 2012

that I have neglected my space.. Oh my my.. I'm watching Euro 2012 now, Netherlands vs Denmark with Denmark leading (1). It's demam bola 'ball fever' season now I guess. So, what's up with me lately? I hit my world record with 24hr not sleeping last week. I can't believe it as well. Preparation, helping and doing it... Wedding is a tiring thing. Agree or not...It was fun planning a wedding aka wedding planner. However, things do turn out ugly when unexpected things happened. All in all, it was a great experience and an eye opener of one's capability. Despite the stress, wedding planner is a fun job after all. [Commentator shouting Van Persi, Van Persi]. 

Catch up later, peeps! 

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