Keep Trying!

>> Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Taking this in mind. Kept telling myself, you have to, you have to do it! Life is rough, keep trying! (wishing for a spa to de-stress now, gaah..)

Extra public holiday to celebrate King’s installation

>> Saturday, February 25, 2012

Extra public holiday to celebrate King’s installation

Don't forget to mark your another 'extra' holiday of the year now! 11 April 2012, public holiday for Malaysia (but not in Sabah and Sarawak??? "subject to their respective laws" ??) Why is that...aren't Sabah and Sarawak are part of Malaysia? Hmm...

London Bridge is falling down....

>> Wednesday, February 22, 2012

falling down..falling down....

Aarghh... Somehow this song crossed my mind. It's a happy nursery rhyme right? I'm on the verge of depression and am falling apart. The lyrics might suits me but not the music. It may fits in when you change the tune to a sad scary one tho'. 
source :

I am not focused and my 'lines' infront me are all scattered. Seriously, the idea of getting out from here or tanam my head are the only thing in my mind now. What will ever happen if I am half-sane? I can't handle it no more... Gosh, crazy! Need a peaceful mind, peaceful place and look what I've found.. a peaceful silence art. : /

by Leon Wells (

64% OFF Miracle Bladeless Fan FREE Nationwide Delivery @ Suen Wu Holdings Sdn Bhd for only RM288 instead of RM799!

>> Friday, February 17, 2012

I want a fan! and a bladeless one. I must admit of course I would love to have the Dyson's but it's too expensive, right... Not sure how good is this fan. There are many out there selling it. Anyone tried this before? How good is it? Worth it?

iPhone4 Horn Stand & Sticky Pad for only RM39.90 @ Perfect Day Trading (Free Nationwide Delivery)

>> Thursday, February 9, 2012

I was sleepy and decided to browse around in everyday deal website and saw this cute iphone horn stand. Probably it's been quite a while in the market but aah well, this is a deal - iphone horn *honk honk*. So, it must be cheaper than the retail price. Or else it won't be a deal right. Refer the link for more details and spot out the lizard :)

  • Mobile phone Silicone Horn stand for iPhone4
  • Watch movie & listen to music with louder sound (13dB of volume)
  • 8 colours (black, red, pink, white, tan, yellow, green, blue)
  • Additional opening reserved for charger
  • Washable, dirt and scratch resistant
  • Size: 106 x 50 x 47 mm
Buy now for RM39.90  and don't forget your Lizard sticky pad too! Aaah, Lizard!!!!


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