Happy Mon-oliday!

>> Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Holiday to all of you and Happy Working to those who will work today. Don't be sad and grumpy, smile and smile again. :)

How's your weekend? My weekend is ..... I don't know how to describe. Half-peaceful plus tired.

Sharing this from Inspiration is Essential

Things we can learn from a dog (you change it to your favourite pet if you want) :
  • Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joy ride
  • Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstacy  
  • When loved ones come home, always run to greet them
  • When it's in your best interest, always practice obedience
  • Let other know when they've invaded your territory
  • Take naps and always strectch before rising
  • Run, romp and play daily
  • Eat with gusto and enthusiasm
  • Be loyal
  • Never pretend to be something you're not
  • If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it
  • When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently
  • Delight in the simple joy of a long walk
  • Thrive on attention and let people touch you
  • Avoid biting when a simple growl will do
  • On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree
  • When you are happy, dance around and wag your entire body
  • No matter how often you are criticized, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout. Run right back and make friends.
I like no. 12 and the two last one. When someone is having a bad day, you don't go question them. Just keep quite or in a rude way, shut up...hehe. I hate it when there are some people who like to blame themselves for giving you a bad day like as if they know that they are the one who contributed it. Urghh (suka act pandai or what).

 A quick updates:
  • I did facial at Michelle Lazar! (used the Groupon deal, at last)
  • Tried Michelle Lazar facial products. Should I review on this? Will try to ya.
  • Did upper lip threading for the first time...Ouch! I'm late I know. (Cheap only RM3 @ Bangsar, eyebrow will be RM5)
  • Pinkish pinkosh - busy looking at wedding stuffs for my sis.
  • Still looking till now and got distracted with many pretty cute sites
  • Last week - claypot lou shu fun, yin yong kai lan, chatime, choc banana cake, dim sums, kfc egg tart, chicken rice, mamak, sate kajang, etc.....whoaa
Have a nice day ahead!

Floods drive computer prices up

>> Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Floods drive computer prices up

Yeap, read it up. That's what the seller informed me last week when I was at digital mall that all HDD price will increase.... and on another note, tyre price hiked up as well!

Stress is the trash of modern life - we all generate it but if you don't dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life ~ Danzae Pace

Aah, trying to say No, I'm not stressed...

Miss Universe Malaysia 2012 Winner

>> Friday, November 11, 2011

Miss Universe Malaysia 2012 Grand Finale went live yesterday at Astro Hitz ch705

and the winner of Miss Universe Malaysia 2012 is..... Kimberley!


Name: Kimberley
Age: 18
From: Pulau Pinang
Height: 175cm
Occupation: Part time model/ Student Majoring in Economics and Business
Hobbies: Athletics, basketball, volleyball, tennis, sports

First Runner-up

Second Runner-up
Lu Xanne

Source of pics : lifestyle.malaysia.msn

Gabriella won the SMS vote award and I think she's one of the favourites that night. My fav would be Lu Xanne because the way she answer the question at the final stage was superb! She gave brilliant answer in a calm manner compared with the others and her points were so clear showing full confidence. When I heard her answers, I was awed with it. Gabriella on the other hand, asked the judge  to repeat the question and you can see her facial expression that she's trying hard to think (or listen) to what the judge has to say. For Kimberley, I can't recall anything about her actually...hehe... I thought Gabriella will win after they announced Lu Xanne, the second runner-up. All of them surely did the best they can. So, congrats to the winner -Kimberley 'yeah-hey woo-hoo' Miss Universe Malaysia for 2012!

'I need more to my hair' deals!

>> Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hi peeps! 

How's your day! Hope it's a great one. Let's catch up with new deals for hair-do. Aaah....been waiting and wanting to chop my hair, treat it, colour it.. and there are few deals just came out. Not sure which one is the best to choose... Let's see

From everyday deals - 
  • must make apointment (12 - 6pm)
  • valid everyday (include public hols) except Wednesdays
  • From 17 Nov 2011 - 17 Feb 2012
  • Using schwarzkopf
What you'll get?
  • Hair Rebonding/Colouring/Highlight/Japanese Perm
  • Scalp Treatment
  • Hair Wash 
  • Blow
  • ** Max hair length - 20 inch (50.8cm)
M9 Hair Saloon 
46-2, Jalan PJU 5/10,
Dataran Sunway,
47810 Kota Damansara,

The same deal from ilovediscounts.my
  • Valid till 31 March 2012
From this website deal, it was stated in the comment section that for addition of hair cut, RM30-50 will be charged.

From Milkadeal
  • wash, cut, blow and rebonding for any hair length
  • uses schwarzkopf
  • 17 Nov 2011 - 17 Jan 2012
  • estimation duration of service : 3hours
  • redemption hours: Tues - Sunday (10.30am-8.30pm)
  • must make appointment
9 Studio Hair Salon
16-1 (Ground Floor), Jalan USJ 9/5R, UEP, Subang Jaya, Selangor

Hmm.... no hair cut included. I thought I saw the everyday deal with hair-cut included this morning... Probably typo from the deal. If you guys interested, don't forget to check out the comments section. 

Anymore hair deals?

Language Confusion

>> Saturday, November 5, 2011

What is this keep switching the language for the subjects? It just sounded like students can't cope up in English and that they must go with BM. In another meaning, the percentage of students score in examination is decreasing? Well, eventually after Form 5 they will still need to deal with English language in college/university right? That is why a lot of Uni students can't understand a thing because they've used to BM from primary one to form five, not to mention (some maybe) neglecting the English subject. Indecisive oh... aah well, bummer!
  • Year One this year started learning in BM 

"Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, who made the announcement yesterday, said Year One pupils this year were already learning the two subjects in Bahasa Malaysia."

source : thestar

  • Students who have started learning Science and Mathematics in English will continue to do so until they complete their studies in Form Five.
  • Muhyiddin said schools would have the option to teach Science and Mathematics fully in English, Bahasa Malaysia, or bilingually.
  • “Students will continue with whatever system they have in place now, be it in English, Bahasa Malaysia or both languages.”
  • The two subjects will be fully taught again in Bahasa Malaysia starting 2016 for primary schools and 2021 for secondary schools.
  • “They can even answer one question in English and another in Bahasa Malaysia in the same examination paper,” he added.

source: thestar

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